Friday, July 06, 2012

The first 100 days

Being in a new place is exciting--if not overwhelming at times. When you arrive, you have fresh eyes and the gift to see things as they are without personal experiences or prejudices to cloud your impression. I would like to capture my first 100 days in Astana by sharing a tidbit of life with you each day. However large or small, I hope that my postings allow you to take part in our adventures. Enjoy!


Jag said...

I love this! Thanks for sharing!

PS what's weird is that even though I think? I subscribed to this a long time ago today was the first time I got an email... odd?

Dzeniferka said...

Glad you are enjoying the updates. Not sure about the updates -- does seem weird. I get them as the author. Harumph. I'm trying my best to update often, so check back for adventures - big and small.

Janell said...

Since I just went to Google+, I see that I am way behind on reading your blog! I'm sorry!! I will get on here and catch up... love that you are doing the first 100 days. Hugs to you and Uli! Miss you!

Dzeniferka said...

Thanks for the comment, Janell. We're trying to include everyone in our new adventures in our new home here! Enjoy. Hugs to you, too!

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