Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 17: Meal of Champions

I don't know about you all, but I really love the Olympics. I can't wait until they start, and I will be glued to the television for the weeks that they are aired. 

Kazakhs also take the Olympics seriously.  I came upon this article recently on Eurasia.net recently: 
Kazakhstan Brings Secret Olympic Weapon to London: Horsemeat. Not only will Kazakh athletes be treated to sausages from home but also caviar. Who knew this was the secret to success!
Horse meat and caviar are widely available here. Horse meat is considered a bit of delicacy. I tried some last week as part of a sausage platter meal for the first time. Can't say that it was something special for me, but perhaps I have not tasted the best sort yet... I'll keep you posted. Caviar probably needs to go on my shopping list here as well. 

Before you know it, I may be ready to run another race - now that I understand the right diet to be a champion!

1 comment:

Anne said...

I'm not a huge Olympics-phile but I did enjoy watching the Sydney games on TV in Slovakia because of course they broadcast different things than we do in the US. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for Kazakh competitors! :) Oh and they eat horse meat in Morocco too. You could see the icon of a horse head on a sign at the meat markets.

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