Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 26: Issyk "Cool"

Today, I found myself surrounded by snow-capped mountains on the beach of lake Issyk Kul for a summer camp with learners and teachers. I never imagined I would find myself here.

You see, three years ago I had a Kyrgyz student in one of my classes in Washington, DC. She developed an elaborate business plan as a class project to develop tourism on lake Issyk Kul. I remember her descriptions of this thermal salt lake - one of the largest in the world - and enthusiastic ambassadorship for her home country. She sold me on the fact that Issyk Kul was a place worth visiting, but I couldn't imagine making my way to the middle of Central Asia for such a visit.

And here I am. It's as incredible as promised. Surrounded by enthusiastic campers, I enjoyed a touch of what the lake has to offer, and I would love an opportunity to spend more time hiking in the mountains and swimming. It's a place that I am thrilled to be visiting and to which I cannot wait to return.

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