Monday, July 09, 2012

Day 9: Baking Powder

Another consumer report, my apologies. Today, my gifted cake-baking husband wanted to make a cake out of some sour mystery berries (barberry?) a friend brought to our house. We headed to the store to buy more flour and some baking powder. All the usual suspects were present on the shelves - sugar, soda, spices, but no baking powder. Flexible shoppers, we went to the larger supermarket that has fancy imported goods a bit farther from our home. We scoured shelves in multiple sections of the store. Dr. Oetker pudding and other products galore(good news for the gifted cake-baking husband!). No baking powder. Who knew? The end result involved a delicious cake made with a mixture of baking soda and lemon to substitute in his new Gugelhopf pan (fancy German bundt pan form). Even if it was a bit of a workaround adventure to create, the final result was simply "вкусно"!

1 comment:

Hedgehog said...

Enjoying following your blog revival from my new smartphone-enhanced life! Hi from Maine, where there are a few white fluffy clouds in a brilliant blue sky, about 26C, with a slight breeze. My kind of weather, for sure!

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