Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day 29: And there was dancing

Central Asian teachers' conferences invariably included dancing, but more of the teachers in a discotheque sort. If this conference experience is any indication of what follows, Indonesian teachers' conferences also include dancing, but the performance, cultural heritage artsy sort. 

I was treated to two performances in Solo and they both were exquisite. Young, beautiful women in costume telling a story through their slow, thoughtful movements. Because Indonesia is so diverse, I am sure that dance varies from place to place, so I do not want to draw any conclusions but rather simply appreciate these performances. During the dances (which I wish I had captured better on camera), these gorgeous women do a hypnotizing slow head bobbing. It reminded me a bit of belly dancing actually - the movement looks rather simple but when you try it yourself you discover both that it is difficult and you look ridiculous. Each move controlled and calculated, traditional dances will be one of the cultural artifacts of my continued admiration.

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