I arrived on Friday, September 1, a big Estonian holiday called the day of wisdom. Really, it's the first day of a new school year and the streets were full of children walking to school in suits and dresses for their opening ceremonies. Afterwards, parents take their children out to lunch and there are special events to celebrate the day. There was a concert on the main square that I stopped to listen to for a bit. As an educator, I like this idea of a celebration of learning and can appreciate the need to make those reticent steps back to the classroom after summer vacation feel like more of a celebration than a funeral march.
The downtown area is full of the university's buildings, but there are also many museums and such. Tartu is known as the "City of Good Thoughts," and it is easy to imagine why. The central areas are clean and pleasant and clearly dominated by the presence of the university. A local guide is advertising something called the "Adolphus Code," a self-guided mystery walking tour through the heart of Tartu. I plan to follow the route later this week and I'll let you in on its secrets.
Across the river is an open air market full of fall harvest fare -- I managed to buy some cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, and squash (all very tasty!).
If you'd like to know more about Tartu, you can check out some of the following sites:
Tartu in Your Pocket http://www.inyourpocket.com/estonia/tartu/en/
Tartu City's Home Page http://www.tartu.ee/?lang_id=2
Hey Jenn, thanks for the description of your town. Tartu, that's where you'll be based? Jet lag gone yet? Do you find yourself speaking Romanian or something not English to communicate? Estonia is one of those "isolate" languages with Finnish and Hungarian and Basque isn't it? What's it gonna take to make "Brave New Word" a site of interest on "Wanderings"?:) Your friend, Jeff
Hey from your old housemate in Mexico and ex-ex-pat currently living in the developing city of New Orleans! Love your blog, Jenn! It's almost inspired me to start one myself--almost. Lots of luck in your new town!
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