Saturday, September 01, 2018

Post #61: If plants could communicate with us...

We went to this exposition yesterday that is a fusion between agriculture, art, and technology. A bunch of students and researchers planted a natural forest around a home and started to actualize the sound of plants through sensors and measure various qualities of the soil, air, and plants to create visualizations. My significant other has been involved in the back-end of this ecological smart home, and throughout the tour I was struck by the inventiveness and melting of nature and technology. Too often, we (ok, I) think of technology and nature in isolation in diametric opposition to one another. Here, one grew out of the other and created feedback loops for human consideration with an ecological message. Fascinating and heartening to see a group of students here in the national capital of Brazil innovating and sharing their message with the wider community. They do outreach to schools so that students can also combine these two aspects of life -- getting kids to learn about batteries and charges at the same time as they interact with plant life. Completely genius. Their FB page has tons of cool videos -- of plant energies being turned into LED displays and sound -- but I couldn't manage to link them (check it out!).

Part of the garden with sensors in it

An exhibition where sensors around the plants take measurements for an entire day and turn each element into sound, so you can hear nature and compare one day to another. Again, increasing human interaction with nature in a very modern way.

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