Saturday, March 06, 2010

#16: Zacuscă

Our first stop on our Spring Break road trip was to visit some long-lost, wandering, displaced friends from Romania who now live in North Carolina. The biggest highlight was, of course, getting a chance to reconnect and catch up, but a close second was a taste of my favorite Romanian treat, Zacuscă. It is the yummiest vegetable spread made from roasted red peppers and eggplant that all of the grannies in Romania make. It's delicious on toasted bread in the morning and almost any other time of day. However, it is the most scrumptious when shared with good company (Thanks E & A!). The best part is that I got a jar to take home with me. Yum, yum, yum.

Want to make some yourself? Here's a recipe -- Pofte Buna!


Pene said...

It would be great on pizza or even on foccacia which Romanians make.

Dzeniferka said...

Believe it or not, zacusca is good on almost everything! (and it is very similar to what you might also find in Bulgaria, other countries in the Balkans, or Turkey.

Hedgehog said...

I'm drooling.

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