Sunday, August 27, 2006

Catching up

For those of you that aren’t well-versed in some of the other recently concluded or concurrent activities, below is a quick update.

  • Returned Romania in June after a fabulous year of teaching and traveling
  • Cute new puppy dog, Skip, loves to walk, albeit spastically in many directions all at once, and never tires of chasing his favorite stuffed toy duck

  • Motorcycle mania… I love my new bike and spent the beginning of July touring with my parents through the Snowy Range and Rockies in Wyoming and Colorado

  • Fabulous trip to San Diego to catch up with a good friend from the Monterey Institute and prietelky z Mierovych Zbor (friends from the Peace Corps)

  • Fantastic new update to my family in July, my niece, the tiny and adorable Kadence. Meanwhile, my nephew, Carter, is jumping out of baby-hood… He loves the lawnmower, ‘nillas, and anything with a motor…

  • Invigorating summer work at the University of Montana in lovely Missoula with Korean elementary school teachers mixed work with fun while in Glacier National Park, whitewater rafting, and at the county fair!

  • One last side trip out to Washington, D.C. in August for the pre-departure orientation for the English Language Fellows program ( I’ll be working through in Estonia… Time for a Monterey Institute reunion, site-seeing, out dancing with new friends, visiting the American Indian museum, catching up with former LWR friend in Baltimore, and a reconnection with another Peace Corps friend and my former Slovak tutor


Unknown said...

Dear Jenn, Greetings from Singapore! I for one, am thrilled to see you online. Look forward to stay in touch more often this way. Blessings and lots of love, Mei (your Summer '98 NYC/NJ housemate)

Anonymous said...

Cau kocka - je tu dalsia kamoska z mierovych zborov. :) I've got a new job and will be moving back up to Sacramento in the next month or so. Moving is such a pain. That's the only thing I'm not looking forward to. Zatial pa! Anicka

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