Sunday, August 26, 2018

Post #59: Shopping

So. Our stuff is here. Our stuff is actually everywhere. In putting things away, we started to compile a shopping list of kind of regular-type things needed for settling in. You know, nails, a picture frame, hooks, a stepladder, plant trays, a candle lighter. Trivial things that should be easy to find. Should be. Optimistically, we caught an uber (the car is still another story) and headed to the Big Box shopping area not too far away. Carrefour and Leroy Merlin awaited. We trudged through the stores looking up and down aisle after aisle after aisle. We did not find anything we wanted. And many of the small shelves we looked at to support one of our living room speakers cost over $100 for press board-type furniture that we can buy at home for $15. The loudspeakers were blaring with special offers. Families with strollers were crowding the aisles. Nothing was quite as we imagined and yet we kept searching... to only come home with a few items, completely defeated by the exhausting shopping experience. Phew! From now on, it's online shopping for me.

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