Saturday, September 09, 2017

Vagabond reunions

I wonder at the vastness of our planet -- even more so when connections are found when flung far away from wherever home happens to be. The truth is that sometimes I feel kind of sad not to have deeper roots and a community in which I am invested. Sometimes I feel kind of sad when I realize how far away and disparate my communities are. Sometimes I feel kind of sad when I don't get to spend as much time a I would like with my people as often as I would like. (Sometimes I feel sad that I do not have a dog... wink, wink.)

However, I always feel HAPPY when I meet and connect with other travelers and vagabonds. This week, Uli and I met with some of my favorite residents of Norway (and former classmates from MIIS). We also reconnected with members of the church I grew up in back in Gillette, friends of friends from Estonia, and even one of Uli's graduate school classmates from Germany. I guess our world, our communities, and our connections are stronger than we think. There is no need to be sad about that at all.

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