Saturday, October 05, 2013

Catching Up: A Trip to Murghab (Tajikistan) in May

I've been remiss at blogging and have some spectacular photos and experiences to share. One of the most remarkable journeys I've made in the last year was to Murghab, Tajiksitan last May.

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 Situated in a remote and desolate mountainous region, Murghab is a former Soviet military settlement high up in the Pamir Mountains at over 12,000 feet above sea level.  It took three days to reach by bumpy car rides along the Afghan border and in the rough mountainous terrain, but the views were captivating and welcome was warm. Here are some of the highlights, even if a bit belated.

Yum! Shakarab salad before getting to the meaty main dishes and ribs in Dushanbe

Tajikistan has water (and controversial dam projects) - beautiful
Rhubarb grows wild in the springtime. Tajiks buy this as a roadside snack, peeling the rhubarb and munching on its sour roots.

The road and small river separating Tajiksitan and Afghanistan

The bumpy ride

Everyone slows down when herders cross the road

A bridge to Afghanistan

Houses built into the mountain cliff on the Afghan side of the river

Our mid-way point for an overnight stay in a cottage

The ride to Murghab is rough and cold in May but it is also beautiful

On top of the world in the Pamirs

Hospitality demanded that the guest dance

Music provided by local musicians was soulful.

We awoke to snow after our night in the guesthouse.

What do people eat in these parts? Yak, of course.

This photo is one of my favorites. A bit forlorn but absolutely breath-taking.

Tajik prairie dogs?

A stop on the way home for roadside yogurt - YUM!
Pretty scenery on the road

You may want to know... what is it like to drive to Murghab from Dushanbe? Take a gander for yourself. I'll just say that after six days in the car, it did feel good to stand still for a while.

Another stop for some plov in the Kulob market

I cannot resist finishing with more music (and my favorite instrument, the accordion).

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