It's getting rather dark and gloomy outside as daylight truly dwindles. Last weekend was the "official" opening of the Advent season though and, suddenly, lights have appeared everywhere, somehow making it easier to cope with the dreariness of a December without snow. My home was no exception and I put up my Christmas tree this weekend! I take all of the flak for an artificial tree; it's a first for me and my preference, of course, would be to have the authentic spruce-scented article in my living room. However, the sparsely decorated item (more decor to come as I plan to hand-make some ornaments as time slows and the season nears a bit) really brings a lot of light to my living room. I can spend hours in the cozy darkness -- the advantage here is that it is dark more than light this time of year in Estonia -- contemplating the season.
P.S. Isn't jõulupuu a lovely way to say Christmas tree?
Can't wait to see the tree in person!
Hi Jenn. Thanks for the new e-mail update service. I've been catching up on your blog as a result. You've been busy! Romania?!
I'm very sorry to hear about your grandmother. My grandmother was the first I knew to die, and it happened the day before I was to swear in as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kyiv. (Tell your grammar police that's how Ukrainians spell it in English.) :) I'm not very religious, and neither was my grandmother, but I swear I felt her presence when I went to one of the large, beautiful cathedrals in Ukraine's capital and lit a candle for her. However, I think painting one's toenails bright red may be an even better idea. I like the idea your toes tucked into your socks and your boots as you walk around town trying to stay warm, being the only one on the streets to know that those toes are bright red. Thanks for letting us in on your secret.
I have to confess to you that Tyler and I bought our first fake Christmas tree too! However, we didn't 'go all out' as you have with a large tree. Ours stands about two feet tall. :) It can hold about one string of lights, a few candy canes, and exactly five ornamental bulbs. :) But even in Central America where we still have light until 6pm (all year round), it adds a festive charm to our place. Tyler and I head to Guatemala City tomorrow to pick up my Dad. He's staying for two whole months to study Spanish!
I hope you have a great holiday. Christmas in January, right?
I'd love to see your tree with some decorations on it. When do I get an invite?
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