Nothing like a quiet, rainy afternoon to catch up on some blogging and sharing. After the chaos of finishing my semester and wedding planning, I have had a hard time lately with the task of settling my heart into the task of reflection. Yesterday primed me for the task as I headed out for a hike in the Shenandoahs and spent the day communing with Mother Nature.

On a whim, I decided to venture out with a local Meetup group for hikers and participate in an organized hike in the Shenandoah National Park. We were in the Skyline Drive area and hiked a loop called
Whiteoak/Cedar Run. The trail ran together with running water almost the entire time and was filled with beautiful spots to enjoy rushing waterfalls and bubbling brooks. On the way down, there was a natural water slide on which hikers braver than I could slide into a natural water hole (of sub-freezing temperatures). It was a gorgeous, sunny day and the group I met up with was filled with a bunch of interesting vagabonds who like nature.

The day took me back to times when I more frequently hiked in other areas, bringing sweet memories and smiles to my heart... I remember sunrise hikes with Greta at Outlaw Ranch in the Black Hills during which we cajoled campers into joining us for an early morning hike to the Rock. In fact, I also remember our quest to watch the sun's first light to hit from the top of Harney Peak and finally being gifted with that view after several attempts. ... I remember hiking in Slovakia while I was there -- the Staraturanska PƤtdesiat with Katka's family, Javorina with Jarmila and company, school trips to see Orava and other beauties. Those times were some of my best as a PCV. ... I remember my afterwork and weeknd hikes in Missoula when I did a summer program at UM and the solitude of the forest and the breath-taking peaks. ... Unforgettable are hikes taken in Romania, particularly a hike my students took me on near Brasov called the seven ladders. I've never been so frightened in my life as when scaling those ladders clinging to cliffside. I also remember hiking with friends in the Brasov area and being stuck far outside of town without a ride back in... and the gracious arrangement of a ride by a local to get us back to our starting place. ... Slow walks along the Big Sur coastline in Monterey are beautiful memories of sea meeting rocky coast. Conversations with good friends and quiet evening strolls must have been part of how I survived graduate school. ...

Hiking is a beautiful thing for so many reasons. It gets me out in the air to breath the same air as the trees. It teaches me that I too am a part of nature. It slows me down. It puts me in touch with others in a very human, non-digital, and meaningful way. It lets me be who I am and loves me just the same.

Hiking. I need more!